Safe and Secure, Underground
Tornado Safety Tips for Jackson, TN and West Tennessee
- Pick a place where the family members can gather if a tornado is headed your way. Make sure everyone knows where to go.
- Assemble a Disaster Supplies kit containing:
- First aid kit
- Canned food and can opener
- Battery-powered radio and flashlights ,extra batteries
- At least 3 gallons of water
- Protective clothing
- Sleeping bags or blankets and pillows
- Special items if infants, elderly or disabled family members
- Written instructions on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water if authorities advise you to do so
- Flashlights or glow sticks for light in your shelter
- Conduct periodic tornado drills so everyone remembers what to do when a tornado is approaching.
When a Tornado Watch Is Issued:
- Listen to Local radio and tv stations for further updates.
- Be alert to changing weather conditions. Blowing debris or the sound of approaching tornado may alert you. Many people say it sounds like a freight train.
When a Tornado Warning Is Issued:
- If you are inside, go to the safe place you picked to protect yourself from glass and other flying objects. The tornado may be approaching your area.
- If you are outside, hurry to the basement of a nearby sturdy building or lie flat in a ditch or low-lying area.
- If you are in car or mobile home, get out immediately and head for safety (above).
Tornado Warning Signs:
- A sound a little like a waterfall or rushing air at first, then turning into a roar as it comes closer.
- If you see a tornado and it is not moving to the right or to the left relative to trees or power poles, it may be moving towards you.
- Tornados usually move from the southwest to northeast.
- A sickly greenish or greenish black color to the sky
- If there is a tornado warning or watch posted, then the fall of hail should be considered as a real danger.
- A strange quiet that occurs within or shortly after the thunderstorm.
- Clouds moving by very fast. Especially in a rotating pattern or converging toward one area in the sky.
Tornado Facts:
- Jackson has been hit by 3 EF-4 tornados in the past 10 years.
- Tennessee is not ranked high in number of tornados, but is ranked number 1 in the nation for the tornados we have being deadly.
- Tornados strike with incredible velocity. Wind speeds may approach 300 miles per hour.
- A Tornado is only a tornado if it’s in contact with the ground. Otherwise, it’s a funnel.
- Tornados can be nearly invisible, marked only by swirling debris at the base of the funnel.
- Most, but not all, tornados in the northern hemisphere spin counter-clockwise, or cyclonically.
- Leave the windows alone when a tornado is coming. It’s a myth that tornados causes houses to explode due to changes of air pressure.
- Close to 1,000 tornados are reported every year in the United States.
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